by Steven Ertelt | Austin, TX | | 7/13/13 1:00 AM
Members of the state Senate approved the bill to ban late-term abortions on a 19-11 margin on second reading. The chamber then approved the bill in third reading by the same 19-11 vote.
The bill would ban abortions after 20 weeks and hold abortion clinics accountable by making them meet basic health and safety standards that have closed facilities in other states that are unable to comply. The bill also requires all abortion clinics to meet the same health and safety regulations as an ambulatory surgical center, requires a doctor providing abortions to secure admitting privileges at a nearby hospital, and lastly, requires a doctor to personally administer the abortion-inducing drugs to the patient.
Before the vote, Texas police issued a statement confirming they confiscated numerous jars of feces and urine that abortion activists planned to throw at pro-life legislators today who are debating the late-term abortion ban.
As LifeNews reported, abortion activists also planned to throw tampons and feminine pads at lawmakers, but the Texas Department of Public Safety statement below confirms the planned assaults on legislators were much worse than that.
The last attempt to pass the bill was halted in the state Senate with a pro-abortion filibuster but state Sen. Wendy Davis said she would not filibuster the bill a second time.
This week saw a death threat issued to the Texas Lt. Governor and abortion activists screaming “F— the Church.”
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Makes it so clear that this is a spiritual battle.