3:00 – Kresta Comments
3:20 – Escaping Islam: The Evil Might Not Be Realized Until It Is Too Late
The world remains confused, and lacks understanding regarding the culture of the Middle East. Mano Bakh was a high ranking officer in Iran's Imperial Navy when, in 1979, during the Islamic revolution, he miraculously escaped with his life. The harrowing experiences he was subjected to, currently exemplifies the free world's necessity to deal with the ongoing aggressive Islamic movement, and the oil money that supports it. This living story begins with an introduction to Iran's history and Persian customs. It continues by encompassing the development of OPEC, the amazing Khark Island oil project in the Persian Gulf, and relating the happy life of a young boy growing up in his grandmother's house in Tehran. Mano is with us.
4:00 – Senate votes to expand federal hate crimes law – as an amendment to a defense spending bill
People attacked because of their sexual orientation or gender would receive federal protections under a Senate-approved measure that significantly expands the reach of hate crimes law. The Senate bill also would make it easier for federal prosecutors to step in when state or local authorities are unable or unwilling to pursue hate crimes. The chamber voted yesterday evening to attach the legislation as an amendment to a $680 billion defense spending bill expected to be completed next week. Peter LaBarbara, President of Americans For Truth about Homosexuality, will analyze.
4:20 – “Mein Kampf” - What can we learn from this book?
Mein Kampf, in English: My Struggle, is the autobiography and mission statement of Adolf Hitler. It combines elements of autobiography with an exposition of Hitler's political ideology and was published on July 18, 1925. Hitler began the dictation of the book while imprisoned for what he considered to be "political crimes" after his failed revolution in Munich in November 1923. Though Hitler received many visitors earlier on, he soon devoted himself entirely to the book. We look at how it was received at the time, what it reveals about Hitler, and the role that it played in history with historian and Hitler expert Tom Childers.
5:00 – Kresta Comments
5:20 – Caritas in Veritate
Many priests, bishops, theologians and other well-known Catholics have offered reflections and comments about Pope Benedict XVI’s social encyclical, Caritas in Veritate. Dr. Matthew Bunson was thrilled to see that the pope linked the respect of all human life to legitimate economic development. He notes that the encyclical was faithful to all of the Church’s social teachings on the human person’s sacred dignity as well as the transcendent value of natural moral norms. “This Holy Father notes that economic development and humanitarian aid from the West too often are accompanied by the imposition of dehumanizing programs and exploitation of labor and natural resources,” reflected Bunson. He’s here to discuss it.
5:40 – What’s Hot in the Catholic Blogosphere This Week?
Thomas Peters has one of the most visited and successful blogs in the Catholic world, where he blogs on everything from Church news, to politics, culture, theology and film. We talk with Thom about what is hot in the Catholic blogosphere this week.
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