3:00 – Kresta Comments
3:20 – Death Row Inmate Wins Fight to have Mass Shown in Cells
Many convicted killers seek solace in the Lord in their final days, and Donald Lee Leger is among them. Further, he insists on the Catholic interpretation -- not a Baptist version that blared on the TV sets for all death-row prisoners at the Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola. So he sought help from the American Civil Liberties Union. Though the ACLU has fought for separation of church and state in the public square -- Nativity scenes, Ten Commandments, crosses -- in Leger's case it defended a particular brand of worship in a taxpayer-financed cage for the state's most evil men. We talk about this case with Pat Nolan of Prison Fellowship and Justice Fellowship.
3:35 – Walking Across America for the Conversion of Youth
It was in the heart of Iowa, where Jon Leonetti was born and raised, that he fell in love with his Catholic faith. As the host of the Catholic radio show, Martyrs of the Third Millennium, Jon was ready to take the message of the New Evangelization from the air waves to the streets. Inspired through reading the lives of the saints Jon has realized that in order to live his Catholic faith to the fullest, he has to give it all. That is why he has chosen to walk, over 3,500 miles, asking young people to take on a new way of living, one where they are lost in the love of Jesus Christ. Through this journey in faith, Jon and his friend Jesse are encouraging young people to live their lives as a Martyr of the Third Millennium, one who continually dies to self and lives for something greater, our God. We catch up with them in PA.
3:45 – Passionate Speech in House of Lords Halts “Assisted Suicide” Bill in Britain Well, it's been defeated ... for the moment. A proposal to legalize “assisted suicide” was raised in the British Parliament and, thanks largely to a heart-wrenching speech from Baroness Jane Campbell, was voted down. The proposed new law was raised as an amendment in the House of Lords. Recently there has been much publicity given in Britain to people whose grave disabilities have made them believe they no longer wish to live, and who have travelled to Switzerland with relatives to die in a scheme operated by an organization created specifically for this purpose. We talk with British Catholic journalist Joanna Bogle.
4:00 – Kresta Comments
4:20 – John Henry Cardinal Newman to be Beatified
Members of the Oratory in Birmingham are preparing to celebrate the imminent beatification of Cardinal John Henry Newman, after the announcement that Benedict XVI approved a miracle through his intercession. A press release distributed by the bishops' conference of England and Wales affirmed that the beatification of the theologian and Catholic convert is now certain. The miracle that was approved by the Pope as a step in the cause of canonization was the 2001 healing of Deacon Jack Sullivan of the Boston, Massachusetts, area. We talk with Fr. Nicholas Gregoris of the Priestly Society of John Henry Cardinal Newman.
4:40 – Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
“Right about now I assume you’re wondering why I’ve brought you here,” Albus Dumbledore says to Harry Potter in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. “Actually, sir,” Harry replies, “after all these years, I just sort of go with it.” Well, after all these years, you either do or you don’t, and The Half-Blood Prince is unlikely to change any minds in that respect. Potter fans, whether or not they’ve kept up with the books, will find that the latest film continues the trajectories of recent installments — it’s darker, more tragic and more romantic — while setting the stage for the final battle, now planned for two movies. Steven Greydanus has the review of the most recent film.
5:00 – Direct to my Desk
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