Saturday, October 5, 2013

Let’s All Panic Over Franciscogenic Papal Change!!!!!!!

This morning, I read Dolan confirms error in Scalfari interview in the National Catholic Reporter. It confirms that there was at least one factual error in Scalfari’s interview: he suggests that Francis, upon hearing of his election, left the Sistine Chapel, panicked, wanted to decline, then got his head together, felt better, and went out to get dressed. But
As veteran Italian Vatican writer Andrea Tornielli has pointed out, however, there is no room next to the balcony overlooking St. Peter’s Square, which is located in the middle of a long hallway, raising doubt about the literal accuracy of the quotation.
In any event, Dolan said, the sequence put on the pope’s lips by Scalfari is out of order.
Francis did not hesitate before accepting his election, Dolan said, although there was a moment later when he paused in prayer before stepping out onto the balcony for the “Habemus Papam” announcement.
Okay, not such a big deal, right? We’re still weathering this huge FRANCIS CRISIS, which is going to spell DOOM AND DISASTER for everybody and everything, and the SEA LEVELS WILL RISE and there will be GIRL CARDINALS, and puppy dog cardinals, and Benedict’s name will be chiseled off all the walls, and the speaking of Latin will be punished with excommunication, and there will be dogs and cats living together, and so on.
Then there’s this:
Respected French Vatican writer Jean-Marie Guénois confirmed with Scalfari that he didn’t tape the interview, nor did he take notes, so the text was an after-the-fact reconstruction.
He didn’t tape the interview. He didn’t take notes.

He didn’t tape the interview. He didn’t take notes.

He didn’t tape the interview. He didn’t take notes.

Read the rest here:


  1. no tape- no notes- no facts- no truth .. still, Pope or no, he has to pass the smell test .. someone could slip you a mickey .. has happened before, and we are not immune .. it does seem to me that our pop culture is projecting its own image onto the new pontiff. Still, his words - longing for a "poor church for the poor" - stick with me. That means something. It cuts to a visceral, instinctual level .. something still in our genetic code, but dormant, forgotten. Something Mother Theresa had. It means to me a solidarity that we do not yet have but that he wishes to build (or restore?)

  2. Liberals have nothing to hope for from Pope Francis. He's bound by the Church's teaching, which is anti-liberal. Liberals should leave the Church rather than hope to change it from within. Hopeless.

  3. Here's what I find so frustrating about the attitude of Simcha and people like Mark Shea (full disclosure: I used to read Mark faithfully and even contribute to his "tin cup" rattles), they insist on never ending patience with people who aren't in-line with Church teaching (meet them where they're at - an approach I don't necessarily have a problem with), but they turn their facetious (often couched in very biting, funny writing) attitude on the people I would consider the backbone of the Church - traditional Catholics who, let's face it, aren't going anywhere. They'll remain Catholic no matter what. But if they express discomfort or reservations about the current Holy Father, somehow they earn the hyperbole of Simcha's reference to the "Francis Crisis" and having "girl cardinals and puppy dog cardinals." There is no fatherly (or motherly) reassurances given traditionalists (like the father in the story of the prodigal son who sought to comfort his elder son). There is only scorn, admonishment and sarcasm. So much for charity.

    Here's the deal - I'm placing my trust in the Holy Spirit. I've been blessed to live during the reigns of both JPII and Benedict. I'm trusting that God is in control here and that Francis is just what our Church and world need right now. However, that doesn't mean that the reaction to the Pope's recent interviews and statements doesn't give me pause. Notice I said, the reaction. With so many people poorly catechized, it is not unreasonable to worry that they will hear only what they want to hear and not what God wants them to hear through Pope Francis. I can cite example after example of Catholics saying, "did you hear what the Pope said? The Church doesn't think abortion is a big deal anymore." Etc, ad nauseum. So to them "obsessed" becomes "not a big deal" which quickly leads to "okay." That is the problem with our Holy Father's approach given the media environment within which we live.
