…he won’t MAKE us marry gays? Oh, how kind of his majesty. So considerate of his subjects, especially us misguided and intolerant Christians. Obama the merciful!
But before you bow in thanks to his Royal Highness beware that his anti-Christian, anti-conservative minions in the IRS might just remove tax-exempt status for any group refusing to marry gay couples all in the name of “eradicating discrimination” in religious education and practice. They’ve already proved their ability to attack anyone who disagrees with their king.
Oh, maybe not today, but His Highness still has 3 1/2 years to do whatever he wants in his kingdom because he can. The American people are self-absorbed, have short memories and the press defends and “explains” his every pronouncement and wish and ignores his every foible.
And all the while church bells are clanging all over the King’s city of Washington hailing the Supreme Court’s decisions in favor of “gay marriage.” Even the National Cathedral (not Catholic) rang their bells for almost an hour, reveling in the Court’s endorsement of the perversions and abberations of homosexuality.
Catholic churches failed to join in the revelry because they are (tongue in cheek) old fashioned bigots dominated by old men from a past of puritan legalism that refuse to give women equal rights and to allow every sexual abberation to be celebrated as normal.
Soon anything said against the perversion of homosexuality will be considered “hate speech” and it is not unthinkable that priests could be arrested for quoting certain passage from the Bible during Mass. We all may be denied our rights for speaking the truth.
So, I am exaggerating? Hysterical? Reactionary?
Give me a break! My mother is 92 years old and she doesn’t even recognize her own country any more. In her day the big scandal was Lucy Ricardo sleeping in separate beds in the same room with her husband Ricky. No one would have discussed abortion or homosexuality in polite public. How swiftly things have descended into the base, vulgar and immoral world of 2013 America. And it happened VERY fast!
I am not optimistic for our country. I am convinced we’ve crossed a line of no return. Return, yes, but not to sanity. It is a the return to the paganism, intolerance, and ignorance of the generation preached to by St. Paul over 2,000 years ago. Then it was polytheism (believe in any gods you want); today it is pluralism (believe in any religion or philosophy you want). Everything is relative and equal. No one can dare say THEY know the truth or even that there IS a truth.
Today the Supreme Court — though they would deny it — has put one of the last screws into the coffin of Western Civilization. One of the first screws of course was the legalization of abortion. Legalizing the destruction of human life and then the abolition of the family are the double barrels of a shotgun that has blasted the death nell of civilized society.
America is in critical condition and her coffin is being constructed. I fear for my grandkids.
What is my view of the future? It is dismal. On one side we have 1 billion Muslims fighting to bring the world under Alah and sharia law; on the other side we have 1 billion Chinese atheist communists who own most of the United States (by buying up our debt, land and enterprises).
And right when we, the “West, the Christian, Democratic, freedom-loving land of opportunity” should be strong enough to resist the two hordes, we are collapsing financially and morally and bowing to the gods of relativism, secularism, materialism and greed. Where are we heading? Look at Western Europe — they are leading the decline and we are dutifully following them.
The Christians of the first three centuries turned the world upside down for Jesus. But they did it as martyrs. Tertullian and St. Augustine said, “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church.” Lord have mercy!
Asked how the rulings will affect the Catholic Church in the United States, Fr. Fessio remarked that they “will call forth saints and scholars who will shine like the stars in the midst of a wicked and perverse generation’. They will also be humiliated and very likely, in time, persecuted. Welcome to the Brave New World.”
Below: Interesting “rap” video creatively saying the same thing
Please calm down. America is not diving headlong into some sort of moral abyss from which all goodness is excluded. David Brooks, a noted conservative, sees gay marriage as conservatizing. That's certainly a reasonable possibility. Let's remember that America is founded on liberal principles of rights, equality, and self-ownership (John Locke, Second Treatise of Gov't), a view quite at odds with the Biblical view of man (read Mary Ann Glendon,"Rights Talk"on this). There has always been a tension between these concepts of personhood, it's part of the nation's constitutionalism, a built in tension that all must live with.
ReplyDeleteAnon, I say "wake up!" Steve is completely right and how any person with eyes to see remains blind to our cultural shifts is beyond me. I would hardly call David Brooks some stalwart conservative (I believe he endorsed Obama in 2008 conceding "he could be a great president." Please.) You are correct that the Catholic world view and America's founding are sometimes at odds. I agree. However, our country has previously stood for everyone having a voice in the public square. This is no longer the case since the majority of SCOTUS has pronounced any objections to so-called "gay marriage" to be rooted in animus and hatred. Tell me, exactly, why Christians shouldn't be concerned?
DeleteCatholics have a voice in the public square. Look at the growing strength of the anti-abortion movement. But on this issue the public and the law is moving in an anti-Catholic direction. I don't see the problem. Gays are what, 4 percent of the population, maybe less. No one will care in the future if they marry or not. This is not something to be hysterical about. To be honest, if I had a gay kid, I would want him to marry and be faithful rather than taking risks having sex in bathhouses. I don't believe celibacy is at all healthy or realistic, at least for most people. So marriage for gays is not really a bad thing and it's probably a good solution for this small minority of people.
DeleteYes. I am completely understanding of the bitter tone. Yesterday was quite depressing. America is running gleefully into the pit of destruction, and doesn't even know. Didn't we just hear about the broad gate and the wide, downhill road leading to it in our Gospel readings this week? And yet, we must take heart, have courage, redouble our efforts, simply because we love the Lord, and He wants to save His people. With Him, it is never too late. May God bless our efforts, however small and seemingly inconsequential. He is with us. He has conquered the world in which we have trouble. Take heart.
ReplyDeleteLook, the Catholic point of view is a minority point of view in America and in the "West" now and it can't be expected to prevail under law in a democracy. Accept that, and you won't feel bad about losing debate over the meaning of marriage.
DeleteSo, what is your point? Catholics should just shut up? Not say anything about any issue? I suppose we can continue to minister to those in need, educate (well, maybe that won't go on much longer) and care for every 1/8 person who finds himself in a catholic hospital. But basically, just keep our bigoted, old-fashioned, antiquated, no-fun views to ourselves? Is that the idea? In case you haven't notice, those countries that have abandoned their Christian roots aren't faring too well.
DeleteCatholics are counter-cultural, and shouldn't expect to win these arguments in a democracy. Old-fashioned, yes. Bigoted, no. But times are changing. Most Catholics support gay marriage.
DeleteAlso, what to make of the rapping priest? Sanctimonious faker. Where are the real men who used to become priests and were masculine and even macho? This guy would be laughed out of school or beaten up on the playground. Not questioning his motives.
DeleteI want to clarify that my response at 12:55 was in response to the Anon at 12:26. It would really help if people would post under some kind of identity other than "Anonymous."
DeleteAnonymous, Your 1:00 comments you said you don't believe that celibacy is at all healthy.....Why is that????? or realistic? why would you say that?
ReplyDeleteIn my life experience romantic love (and for me, my children) have been the greatest blessings I have known. I think the love of another person is a deep human need in this harsh and often lonely world, and I can't see any benefit (or "Good") either for individuals or society from asking gays to be celibate. I actually have a gay friend who has never been involved with anyone and it makes me sad to think how lonely he's been (once he broke into tears at my dining room table in front of guests, confessing to needing someone to sit beside him in the empty chair, it was all very painful for everyone to witness, esp. for me as I have a lovely family and he has no one.)