Friday, April 19, 2013

Boston jihad bomber Tsarnaev's social media page shows his interest in Islam and bombs

The page is here for now.

Note the two Islam links under "Noteworthy Pages" and the bomb underneath "send a gift."


  1. The question I have is, why are we allowing young men from Islamic countries into our country at all? I know they are not all bad but the risk is too great.

    1. Such a blanket statement to stop all immigration of a group of people based on the actions of a few is simply ridiculous.

    2. I agree that the risk is too great. Why risk another bombing? It's not ridiculous. Look at France. That country has all kinds of issues with its overlarge population of Muslims. To deny it is willful blindness.

  2. In this screenshot, he has 33 followers. I am on now (4/19 at 10:05 am) and when I got onto his page it was 1490, now it is 1,503. Scary stuff? People just curious, or are they truly "followers"?

  3. As a point of clarity, the bomb underneath "Send a Gift" is not reflective of Djohar -- it is a "gift" he received (apparently someone sending him a "message"). While it seems that he and his brother committed the heinous act, it does no good to misrepresent content on his profile to bolster our position against him.

  4. It's now plan to see that it is ISLAM, not Arab ethnicity or a geographical region, that is the source of terror.

    1. There are different sources of terror besides Islam, such as domestic, and it can come from any group. The problem is radical beliefs, and violently acting out those beliefs.

    2. It's fair to ask, is there something in Islam that is open to the option of terror? I asked a scholar of Islam, "is Islam a religion of peace?", and his answer was "it depends how it's interpreted".
