Thursday, January 2, 2014

HHS Mandate Fares Poorly in Court Challenges

According to a report from, the Obama Administration has lost 88% of the cases brought against the HHS Mandate.

Over the Christmas holidays, several new breakthroughs emerged in the legal challenges against President Obama’s HHS Mandate.

First, and most notably, on New Year’s Eve Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor granted a preliminary injunction against the Mandate to the Little Sisters of the Poor, a group of Catholic nuns who minister to the elderly.  The sisters had appealed a lower court’s decision denying them injunctive relief, so it was a great boon to see Justice Sotomayor reverse that ruling.

Next, Stand Up Coalition members Priests for Life were also granted injunctive relief in their suit against the Mandate, along with other similar groups that are obviously religious, but whose main mission is not providing religious services, like Thomas Aquinas College, a Catholic liberal arts college in California.

Read the rest here.

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