3:00 – The Merchant of Venice
St. Augustine’s Homeschool Enrichment Program was founded to unite the best of the modern home school with the tradition of a Catholic liberal arts education. The goal of Catholic liberal arts education is to understand how everything humans can ever know fits together in a coherent image of God’s universe and how He wants us to live in it. Such learning must be lived and carried into the heart as well as the mind. The kids of St. Augustine’s will be performing the “Merchant of Venice” this weekend in SE MI. We talk with Dr. Henry Russell about the performance, Shakespeare and St. Augustine’s.
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3:20 – Hate Crime Legislation
With the state House of Representatives set to vote on the issue as early as Wednesday, a statewide family values group and its national affiliate Monday urged tens of thousands of Michigan residents to contact lawmakers in opposition to a bill that would create special "protected class" status for individuals who engage in homosexual behavior or cross-dressing and special enhanced prison sentences for crimes committed against them. Gary Glenn talks with us.
3:40 – Torture and Our Vulnerability to Radical Evil
Radical evil sets the threshold of victory so high that we risk contamination by confronting it on its own terms. Terrorists tempt us to torture them, by striking against innocent noncombatants out of the shadows. The present debate over torture is a black cloud as big as a man’s hand announcing a storm to come. How do we arrogate unto ourselves the right to inflict death and extreme pain upon innocents—leave aside not-so-innocent terrorists—without corrupting ourselves? The insidious character of radical evil seeks to contaminate us through our own response. Ordinary evil kills for profit or rapes for pleasure. Radical evil rapes and kills so that terror and horror will blot out the memory of the good and leave behind only the capacity for more evil. David Goldman looks at how the torture debate shows our vulnerability to radical evil.
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4:00 – Kresta Comments
Watch live video from Kresta In The Afternoon's channel on Justin.tv
4:20 – Sexual Authenticity: An Intimate Reflection on Homosexuality and Catholicism
Real glimpses into the hearts and lives of other people are rare. However, columnist and author Melinda Selmys gives reader us an unusual opportunity to explore the topic of homosexuality and the Catholic Faith from a fresh, sincere perspective. Her intensely personal reflections help clarify the misconceptions that have hindered meaningful dialogue between Catholics and homosexuals. Transcending stereotypes and avoiding pat sentiments, she speaks directly to every Christian who has experienced same-sex attraction or knows someone who has. In addition to her personal story of exchanging secular lesbianism for Catholicism and resolving her own inner conflicts, she presents an enlightening analysis of history, social theory, and media influence on the subject of homosexuality. She is with us to addresses the complexities surrounding sexual identity with pronounced compassion, adding a practical discussion of the Theology of the Body to complete the circle from a Catholic perspective.
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5:00 – Notre Dame Controversy Is A Flashpoint For A Broader Debate
Russell Shaw predicts that no matter how the Notre Dame controversy turns out, the flap will in the future be seen as a turning-point – whether for the better or for the worse only time can tell. What all of those who are speaking out against ND’s decision understand, but the academic bureaucrats running Notre Dame do not, is that opposition to abortion and the defense of unborn life have supplied much of the glue holding American Catholicism more or less together in the last 40 years – four decades during which the unity and the Catholic identity of American Catholicism have otherwise been severely at risk. Now, in choosing to honor our pro-abortion president, Notre Dame's message to pro-life Catholics, including the bishops of the United States, is, "Get over it. It's time to grow up and move on just as we've done." Russell is here to share his thoughts.
Click here to watch the video of this interview.
Russell Shaw predicts that no matter how the Notre Dame controversy turns out, the flap will in the future be seen as a turning-point – whether for the better or for the worse only time can tell. What all of those who are speaking out against ND’s decision understand, but the academic bureaucrats running Notre Dame do not, is that opposition to abortion and the defense of unborn life have supplied much of the glue holding American Catholicism more or less together in the last 40 years – four decades during which the unity and the Catholic identity of American Catholicism have otherwise been severely at risk. Now, in choosing to honor our pro-abortion president, Notre Dame's message to pro-life Catholics, including the bishops of the United States, is, "Get over it. It's time to grow up and move on just as we've done." Russell is here to share his thoughts.
Click here to watch the video of this interview.
5:20 – The Death of a Pope
Juan Uriarte, a handsome and outspoken Spanish ex-priest, seems to be the model of nonviolence and compassion for the poor and downtrodden. So why is he on trial, accused of terrorist activities? His worldwide Catholic charitable outreach program is suspected of being a front for radicals. Meanwhile an international conspiracy is growing, one that reaches into the Vatican itself. When the death of Pope John Paul II brings about the conclave that will elect Joseph Ratzinger as Pope Benedict XVI, a terrorist plot involving blackmail, subterfuge, and mass murder begins to fall into place... a plot that could spell disaster for the Catholic Church and the world. No, it’s not Angels and Demons, it’s The Death of a Pope by British Catholic novelist Piers Paul Read - a powerful tale that combines vivid characters, high drama, love, betrayal, faith, and redemption in a story of intrigue, church espionage, and an attempt to destroy the longest continuous government in the world - the Papacy.
Just commenting that this blog is the best news I've had in weeks! I had no idea that it existed. Since moving away from Florida I have not been able to hear my favorite show, Kresta in the Afternoon. THANK YOU so much for giving us this availability.