Across the U.S., life advocates in the black community gathered outside abortion clinics Feb. 28 for the Day of Mourning, in remembrance of the tens of millions of babies who have been aborted.
In Philadelphia, they congregated outside the clinic of Kermit Gosnell, who is facing eight murder charges over late-term abortions. Many of Gosnell’s patients — including a woman who died at the clinic — were minorities.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost half of pregnancies among African-American women end in abortion. In the overall population, the number is nearly 1 in 4.
Dr. Clenard Childress of the Life Education Action Resource Network (LEARN) said the black church no longer can be silent on abortion.
“If there’s a devouring force that’s decimating my community as a shepherd, I must respond with the truth and deliver the lamb with its young from the wolf and the devourer — and the devourer is the abortion industry,” he told CBN News.
“The colored minister, the negro minister, the African-American minister is pivotal right now in addressing the abortion issue because we have been silent due to political ties and due to some misinformation.”
The world mourns , though so many CONTINUE to fight to SAVE OUR Children, OUR Moms and Our Dads who have no say. Let all Heed the truth and fight for what is RIGHT.